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Swallowed Star Season 4 Episode 01 [86] English Sub

ONA Sub Released on October 3, 2023 · ? views · Posted by admin · series Swallowed Star Season 4 (2023)
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Download Swallowed Star Season 4 Episode 01 [86] English Sub, Watch Swallowed Star Season 4 Episode 01 [86] English Sub, don't forget to click on the like and share button. Anime Swallowed Star Season 4 (2023) always updated at Lucifer Donghua.in – Chinese/Donghua Anime Stream. Don't forget to watch other anime updates.

Watch online full: Swallowed Star Season 4Tunshi Xingkong Season 4 ( chinese anime | donghua 2023 ) 3rd season All episode English sub, Swallowed Star Season 4, Tunshi Xingkong  Season 3

Swallowed Star Season 4 Episode 01 [86] English Sub

Tunshi Xingkong Season 4 Episode 01 [86] English Sub

Swallowed Star Season 4 (2023)

Swallowed Star Season 4 , 吞噬星空 第三季 , Tunshi Xingkong 4 ,
Rating 9.5
Status: Ongoing Network: Released: Oct 03, 2023 Duration: 20 min. per ep. Season: Country: Type: ONA Episodes: 45 Fansub: Lucifer Donghua & 3D Anime Official

Watch online full: Swallowed Star Season 4 (2023) - Tunshi Xingkong 4 ( chinese anime | donghua 2023 ) 3rd season All episode English sub, Swallowed Star Season 4 (2023), Tunshi Xingkong  Season 4

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Swallowed Star Season 4 Episode 02 [87] English Sub

Posted by: admin Released on: 1 year ago


  1. Greg Miller says:

    I hope this starts back up soon.

  2. DRAGON LORD says:

    Which date will it start

  3. shuku says:

    Is there a possible date? That ending to season 2 was a cliff hanger even after reading the book.

  4. Nabo says:

    I heard it will release in September 1

    1. admin says:


  5. DRAGON LORD says:

    Will it be released today

  6. Greg Miller says:

    Same commercial preview, gets my hopes up and then crashes them into the pits of hell.

  7. Nicolai says:

    Guess we have to wait a few hours for the translators or something like that maybe?

    1. admin says:

      wait for October and news by official!

  8. DRAGON LORD says:

    When will it start

  9. Robbie Bishop says:

    It was supposed to be released on the 31. Why didn’t it and when will it be uploaded if u know. Can’t wait been looking forward to to it.

  10. Vincenzo says:

    Yes brother waiting for months now got some hope but again in the hell

  11. Swallowed season 3 will air on December 5.


  12. Nabo says:

    Is it true

  13. Silkervy says:

    so if it realeses in november what day of november doe it relese the first or 24th on ww3

  14. ShinLu says:

    I can’t wait for the continuation of this series! Season 3 will be soo good!

  15. Arsam says:

    I’m wating for World War 3

  16. Kenny Morris says:

    Please we need the date for the swallowed Star 3. I have always been checking whether it’s been released but nothing. We need 2 or 3 episodes on the first day of it’s launching….. Please can’t wait

  17. Silkervy says:

    what day of October will it be announced when season 3 starts

  18. Yamikaze says:

    Damn been waiting for this cause in the last episode they left us on a cliffhanger I’m excited for the story and battles to come 😀

  19. Hinamaru says:

    I can’t wait

  20. Ritvik says:

    How many episodes?

  21. Oshada says:

    Season 3 will be release on October 3

  22. Greg Miller says:

    I hope this isn’t another tease.

  23. Ash says:

    Will there be 2 ep released on that day

  24. Silkervy says:

    im so happy you dident copy exactly everything from the manga if you copyed it it kinda would suck this is better than the manga

  25. miqsky says:

    Luo Feng… don’t go buddy. Live! (I saw the manga).

  26. Janis says:

    Finally !

  27. worlon says:

    miqsky, do you speak about the version of manga containing full complete content (although with some changes) of the novel? If so, do you have a link?

  28. Meeno Minhas says:

    oh but that was epic, well done kid, as for the sacrifices, so sad

  29. silver says:

    if this were ever to be made a game where you have a solo world and multiplayer world where in your world you make your own character and customize your character however you want that would be amazing on how many choices you can make the bosses you can fight every little detail on how you can move if this were ever a single player and multiplayer game i would love to play it including the story line i think people would love to play a game that is just like swallowed star just as much as i would love to be able to have a way to talk to the characters in the world of the game i think the game should be called swallowed galaxy because star is the amines name and galaxy is a cluster of stars and planets so if you can please make a game like swallowed star with all of what i said if anyone else wants like my comment and let them see what we want

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