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Throne of Seal [Shen Yin Wang Zuo]
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Followed 1798 people

Throne of Seal [Shen Yin Wang Zuo]

Watch full episodes Throne of Seal [Shen Yin Wang Zuo], download Throne of Seal [Shen Yin Wang Zuo] english subbed, Throne of Seal [Shen Yin Wang Zuo] eng sub, download Throne of Seal [Shen Yin Wang Zuo] eng sub, stream Throne of Seal [Shen Yin Wang Zuo] at Lucifer Donghua.in - Chinese/Donghua Anime Stream.
Shen Yin Wang Zuo, 神印王座
Status: Ongoing Network: Released: Apr 28, 2022 Duration: 18 min. per ep Season: Country: Type: DONGHUA Fansub: Lucifer Donghua & 3D Anime Official Casts: Posted by: admin Released on: Updated on:
Watch streaming Throne of Seal [Shen Yin Wang Zuo] English Subbed on Lucifer Donghua.in - Chinese/Donghua Anime Stream. You can also download free Throne of Seal [Shen Yin Wang Zuo] Eng Sub, don't forget to watch online streaming of various quality 720P 360P 240P 480P according to your connection to save internet quota, Throne of Seal [Shen Yin Wang Zuo] on Lucifer Donghua.in - Chinese/Donghua Anime Stream MP4 MKV hardsub softsub English subbed is already contained in the video.

Synopsis Throne of Seal [Shen Yin Wang Zuo]

While the demons were rising, mankind was about to become extinct. Six temples rose and protected the last of mankind. A young boy joins the temple as a knight to save his mother. During his journey of wonders and mischief in the world, while the demons were rising, mankind was about to become extinct. Six temples rose and protected the last of mankind. A young boy joins the temple as a knight to save his mother. During his journey of wonders and mischief in the world of temples and demons, will he be able to ascend to become the strongest knight and inherit the throne of temples and demons, will he be able to ascend to become the strongest knight and inherit the throne?

Throne of Seal [Shen Yin Wang Zuo]

Watch Throne of Seal [Shen Yin Wang Zuo]

Release Date


  1. Rv says:

    Throne of seal episodes 39 take the time too long Plzz update the next episodes immediately fans are waiting it’s very interesting

  2. Kiki says:

    I am waiting😭

  3. Greg Miller says:

    When is next season?

  4. Greg Miller says:

    opps wrong vid please disregard

  5. Long haochen says:

    Episode 45?

    1. admin says:


  6. Nova says:

    When is the throne of seal next episode coming out

    1. admin says:

      upcoming thursday

  7. panda says:

    omg thank you for this. IM GOING CRAZY. I LOVE IT. still waiting for the next ep

  8. Alongboy says:

    Please long episode

  9. Sagor says:

    Plz nxt episode fast upload

  10. Sofia says:

    I really like this movie keep it up

  11. Tang san says:

    Can I have your insta

    1. admin says:


  12. fan says:

    i had a question on what time does you upload the video of the lates episode at that date because the time taken is too much i am your fan or let’s just say the series is so good so i can’t wait so thuths why i asking you can you move forward the time i mean can you upload the video 2 hours before so that it will be easy if that is possible

    1. admin says:

      we can’t make changes in timing

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